
Three month stats

Jovi is three months old!

I'm on time I'm on time!

Jovi is exactly three months old today & time just flies by faster and faster. 


Here's what she's been up to:

- She can now grab things with her cute little fingers/hands and holds onto them tightly.
- Loves to grab mom's hair & necklace.
- Snuggles w/mom every time she gets picked up.
- Sleeps throughout the night!!! (If she's in her bassinet between 9-10pm she won't wake up until about 5am for a feeding, then will go back to sleep for another couple hours. If she's in her bassinet any earlier than 9pm, she usually wakes up for a 1am feeding, then will go back to sleep until about 4am)
-Starts out at eating 4oz. then will eat one or two more, depending on how hungry she is.
- Can put herself to sleep, when tired. (Seriously. She'll get a little fussy and I'll just put her down in her bassinet & she'll fall asleep on her own. Sweet girl)
- She's starting to giggle! Not big/loud enough to record quite yet though.
- Smiles all the time. ALL the time; Especially if mom gets right in her face & talks to her.
- Babbles none stop & is wide awake/talkative most in the mornings.
- Love to watch her mobile in her bassinet & will kick and move her arms and babble like cuh-razy (She gets a little excited at the music & twinkling lights).
- Determined to get both her hands in her mouth WHILE talking. Yes. That's right. Both (She sometimes will gag while doing this).
- Slobbers like crazy now that she's teething. TEETHING!… Grumpy? Of course not.
- Can now blow spit bubbles & loves to do it often.
- Likes playing airplane w/mom and will look down and smile at her when she's "way up high".
- Moves her head back & forth when curious about new surroundings.
- Loves to be held over our shoulders, to check out everything.
- Likes sitting up on one's lap & looking at whoever's holding her; Especially if there's a design on their shirt.
-Hates to have her feet covered & will kick off all blankets, when possible (She gets that from her dad).
- Still makes the funniest animal noises.
- Can stand up on your lap & likes to use her legs to jump up & down (just a little bit of jumping).
- Is getting better at tummy time & can hold her head, while moving it from side to side. She'll also move & kick her legs (while doing this) to the point where she can scoot herself. We're getting SO close to crawling… yes, already. 
- Notices electronics & gets distracted while eating. 
- Has gotten better at Face Timing and will interact more w/the people in the box. 
- And will do her crying beg until someone comes to her side, to pay attention to her. The second you're within eye-sight, she's fine. What a little stinker!

I (unfortunately) don't have any height/weight measurements for this post, but definitely will for her four month update.

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