
Four month stats

Jovi is four months old!

Jovi turned four months old on Sunday (07/13), so just four days ago.
Sorry I didn't post earlier. Getting back from a ten day vacay has NOT been easy.
It was the unpacking that killed me. Not Jovi (for the record).

Anyway, here's what our little lady has been up to:

- She screams & squeals. A lot. For no reason at all, really. Just likes to hear her own voice, now that she's figured it out.
- Has more rolls than you would find in a bakery. (Okay maybe not).
- Is teething and super drooly.
- Comes close to rolling over. Just can't quite figure out that one little arm.
- She can lay flat on her back and kick her feet, to the point where she can pivot in a complete circle. She doesn't move her head, just her feet, and it's THE cutest thing. I believe she'll be mobile soon.
- Belches louder than me sometimes.
- Loves to sit in her bumbo (like King Tut), but like all things- In moderation. She gets sick of it after about five minutes. Go fig.
- Loves and I mean LOVES fans. They're her new mobil.
- She's become super ticklish right underneath her sweet little neck.
- Likes bath time & kicking in the water.
- Still hates the sun, but definitely tolerates it better more, now.
- Enjoys sitting up on the couch. She looks like such a big girl! (It kills me).
- Has discovered how to give momma the puppy dog look. I die. (She doesn't really know she's doing it though. Or does she?)
- She really really really likes getting kisses. Right on her cheeks. She'll even lean into you for it, and will open her mouth in excitement, and just GRIN!
- Really likes to eat her hands and talk at the same time. She's a multi tasker! (Not like her momma at all)
- Loves her piano toy that Nana got her. It plays music & lights up and she LOVES it!
- Will give a flirty grin to anyone who will pay attention to her. And I mean ANYONE!
- Went through a growth spurt while we were in CA to the point where we had to loosen her car seat.
- Enjoys her Mamaroo swing more than ever, now that she can stare at her friend, the mobil. 
- She loves to open her mouth & give kisses whenever we get close to that sweet little mouth of hers.
- And weighs 14.7 pounds (53rd percentile), is 25 inches long (63rd percentile), and has a head that is in the 84th percentile (42 3/4 cm). Doctor says she's doing great & progressively growing, just as she should be. 

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