
Utah State Fair

Last weekend Jake and I went to the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake before it left

I love fairs. The people, food, sound, smells, and lights
Seriously- People watching is amazing and I love taking pictures at dusk!

We watched the divers dive into a ten foot swimming pool. Talk about shallow!

Here are some photos that summed up our night:

We ate delicious corn dogs for dinner. Mmmmm

We walked around aimlessly trying to find my friend Aly and her little fam

We had a funnel cake before we left. Yummy!

We walked around all the exhibits. My favorite!

And we (of course) looked at all the animals. Jake's fave

I guess I'm a huge fair person. I never thought so before, but I think I realized it when we were at the fair on Friday. I had to take pictures of everything and I had to thoroughly look at all the food, to strategically organize how/what I was going to eat that night. There's just certain things that must be eaten at a fair! I also love looking around at all the exhibits- The collections, the things hand made, and most importantly the photography. I just really soak up the whole atmosphere and love it! We met up w/Bryan and his date for that night and had a lotta fun walking around, watching them get henna tattoos. We (also) ran into some of Jake's old mission buddies. Usually it's me who runs into random people, but this time it was Jake. Seriously- He was Mr. Popular from the second we walked into the fair. He received a text message from someone who served in his area (Jen) saying, "Hey, are you at the Utah State Fair in SL right now???" Jake was really confused and figured she must've spotted him! We ended up meeting up w/her and her cute 'lil boy, and her friend. It was a lot of fun, and I always enjoy meeting people Jake served his mission with. It's (also) always fun running into people (who I've already met) who he's served with. 
Utah State Fair- You were great to me this year. I'm glad Jake finally got to experience this great place. Until next year :)

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