
The Black Lung

As many of you know, I got super sick two weeks ago
Bryan left on Sunday and BAM it hit me
I wasn't sure if it was because we were outside all day on Saturday...
so I ignored it of course
When is that ever a good idea? Yeah no

So I wake up Monday morning and had a sore throat
a very bad sore throat
 I called in sick for work

As Monday goes on, I feel congested. What?!?!

Tuesday morning I wake up and cannot breathe. I call in sick again
Two days in a row= must get a doctor's note. So I do
I go to the doctor on Tuesday and what do ya know? It's just a cold
There's no cure for the common cold. I wasted a co-pay

Tuesday night comes around. I'm coughing so much
Jake looks at my throat. Bright red and blisters
my doctor did say my cold could take a crazy turn & turn into strep
We had to watch it carefully. Very carefully

Wednesday comes around. Oh Wednesday
I could not breathe for the life of me. I tried to go to work
Yeah... That lasted for one hour.
I tried sticking everything I possibly could, up my nose

I tried Vicks steam inhaler. Fail
I tried Vicks VapoRub on my chest. Fail
I tried Vicks VapoRub right underneath my nose. Fail
I tried a vapor inhaler. Fail
I tried Zicam (which normally works). Fail
I took Dayquil, Nyquil, etc. Fail
I tried Breathe Right strips (which also normally work). Fail
I tried allergy pills. I tried everything

The one thing that did work. A priesthood blessing
Jake came home from work on Wednesday & he brought his co-worker Steve
who is also a good friend of ours
I was so excited for Jake to come home from work that night. I needed this!

This Afrin worked, and my blessing from Jake and Steve
Thursday, I just finished resting & washed everything!
Friday I was back at work. I only took off another week
Yeah. After I just got back from California 

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